The Story + History of Flint & Wick

Hello this is David and Gemma, husband and wife duo and the creators behind Flint and Wick. Our journey into candle making began in 2019 as just a thought whilst David was working away at Mt Buller for the snow season, he had met and worked with a lovely man who actually had his own candle business and explained the flexibility that candle making offered. This was very appealing to the both of us as we have a love for scents and constantly burn candles around our home (mind you we would only burn and buy our three favourite candle fragrances repeatedly).
The idea of making candles was appealing but it wasn’t the right time to look into actually starting the process especially with our plans to move interstate and press reset on our lives. Fast Forward to 2021 when we finally made our interstate move across the country to the sunny shores of Western Australia and were looking for a creative hobby that we could do with one another, David remembered his candle making colleague from Mt Buller and instantly thought “how hard could it be to make a candle?”

The candle making research began and we explored many online resources, viewed video after video from the university of youtube, contacted suppliers and put together a basic candle making kit which consisted of: 16 litre wax melter, 4 Fragrance oils, cotton wicks, wick tabs, wick stickers, a pouring pitcher, some glass vessels (the same type of ones that our candles are currently in) and a 15kg box of wax. When our order arrived we made our first batch of candles, it was a slow process being that it was something new, but it was exciting and felt like we were accomplishing one of our goals but also having fun whilst doing it. The only thing that bothered us and still does to this day is the curing time of 2 weeks, we wanted to burn our creations then and there, however we held off for the required 2 weeks and then finally the day came where the candles could be lit up for the first time. Out of sheer excitement and the fact that we had produced these great looking candles we thought could we really turn this into a business? The answer was yes all that was needed was a company name.

Our company name Flint and Wick came to us one night in a fast-food drive-through, we were brainstorming and eventually put two candle elements together and the brand was then created; all we needed was a registered business, which just so happened that the very next day Gemma had registered the business name as a surprise due to not wanting to miss out on the name and so Flint and Wick was born even though it was still just a hobby at that stage.

The hobby very soon turned into something bigger and that was based on the positive feedback and reinforcement that was received from family and friends who were fortunate enough to sample at least one of our very first candles, they told us that we should continue to make and sell them as they saw great potential in our product. With their encouragement we were inspired to move in the direction of growing Flint and Wick into an actual business so we moved forward and designed a logo, contacted suppliers for larger quantities of products, organised packaging and brought on a graphic designer for our packaging and social media needs.

Which brings us to where we are today, for us as candle makers, we are always testing and trying new things but what we love the most is testing new fragrance oils, when we would buy candles there was always our go to scents and we would never deviate from them, these days we have a vast selection and some of them aren’t ones that we ever thought we would like. This is what we want for our customers, for them to find new scents that they like but also gives them a certain feeling or evokes a cherished, well-loved or even forgotten memory, its more about the moment then just burning a candle.

So in a nutshell that’s how Flint and Wick was created and we look forward to sharing new and exciting things with you in the future.